Monday, May 17, 2010

Discovering Madison, IN

I am beginning this blog for three reasons. 1) I want to create an avenue of discussion for the promotion of the downtown businesses in Madison, IN, 2) Provide readers the chance to discover what is available in Madison, and 3) Look at what is really needed to make the downtown a better and unique place to live and shop. This will be a journal so to speak, a dialogue with those of you out there that have visited Madison or live in Madison, a critique of what is offered.

So from this time forward- A business will be highlighted by me (at least one per week) with all its unique qualities. This author will visit the business, purchase something and tell you about it and what the merchant had to offer in their store or restaurant. Your comments are welcomed along the way.


  1. Can't wait to read your first review!

  2. So many are looking for just this sort of informational blog. How wonderful that you have started this!
